Email Beef CEOs
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You can stop deforestation in Australia
Dear Beef Industry Leaders, This year both Woolworths and Aldi have made bold moves by committing to only sourcing deforestation-free beef by the end of 2025. I am emailing you today to ask when will your company do the same? Australia is a global deforestation hotspot, driven primarily by the beef industry. About every two minutes, a large football field-sized area of forest and bushland is bulldozed, putting Australia alongside places like the Amazon, Congo and Borneo on the scale of destruction. As the CEO of one of the largest buyers of beef in Australia, you have the ability to fix this problem by ensuring your company’s supply chains are conversion and deforestation-free (meaning no destruction of all natural ecosystems) by 2025. Doing so would demonstrate strong environmental leadership and align with major international corporate sustainability initiatives and markets. In our recent deforestation scorecard report Greenpeace assessed how the commitments and implementation efforts of ten of Australia’s largest beef buyers (including your company) stack up against a conversion and deforestation-free target by 2025. All of the companies assessed failed, with none scoring above 50%. The commitment and implementation from Australian beef industry companies must be: Eliminate the conversion of all natural ecosystems, including no deforestation, by 31 December 2025, for all beef value chains the company sources from directly or indirectly, with a cut-off date of 31 December 2020. The beef industry must address the destruction of forests and natural ecosystems happening on their watch. There must be no hiding behind greenwashing, minimalist targets and watered-down definitions. Instead the industry could and should be a leader in positive environmental change.
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